Corner Chats with Kim

Controlling What You Can in an Uncontrollable World – the Precursor: Your Foundation

By now you’ve realized that you can’t control the weather, the government, or the person next to you. So much of life is out of your control. Yet you’re not without hope, my Friend. There are plenty of things you can control that will lift you above the nonsense and plant your feet on a stable foundation. If any human has the insight to instruct us on this topic, it would be David. For many years, possibly 8-13 long ones, David was exiled from his home. Many of those years were spent running from an angry King Saul who wanted to kill him simply because he was jealous. Now that doesn’t seem fair, does it? David could not control Saul. He couldn’t call him up and say, “Hey, I want a calm, peaceful life of affluence. How ‘bout you stop chasing me, OK?” He had no control over Saul’s choices, just as you have no control over the people who make a mess of your life plans. David’s only choice was to control what was in his own power to control—himself. In Psalm 37, David gives us a list of skills; elements that are in our control. If we will take his advice, we, too, can be confident and secure in the midst of the uncontrollable messes of life.

BUT FIRST THE FOUNDATIONAL START: God is on His throne and in control!

Before we delve into these timeless skills, I want to plant the foundational reminder that the LORD is ultimately in control. Even the uncontrollable elements of this life are not outside the knowledge and protection of our all-knowing, all-powerful God. What a comforting truth!

Psalm 37:23-24
“The steps of a man are established by the LORD,when he delights in his way;
though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand.”

My friend, you must start with this fantastic foundation: as you delight in the ways of the LORD (His Word is the truth for life), the LORD is establishing YOUR steps. There are no surprises to the LORD; no oopsies; no blindspots. The LORD knows exactly where you are, where you’re headed, and what you need. He knew where David was, and He established his steps even in David’s messy, unpleasant path. As you delight in His way, He will establish you. And if you fall in that way—if you get discourage and grumble and trip and make some terrible decisions; it’s not the end of the story! He upholds you. He’s got your hand! This is a life altering truth if we can just grasp it to the fullest!!

So, before we charge into the life skills David lays out in Psalm 37, take this week to establish these foundational truths in your heart:

#1 Delight in the way of life the LORD has laid out for you in His Word. That means you have to get in His Word so you actually know what God says about Himself and life.
#2 Remind yourself each day that the LORD is using whatever is in your life to establish you and that He is there to establish your feet right in the middle of your mess.
#3 Bullet proof yourself. You will fall. We all fall. You will not be abandoned by your God! He will uphold your hand. Even when you trip and fall, you are not alone.

In the next Chat we’ll look at David’s life skills, Controlling What You Can: #1 Don’t Fret. Trust the LORD.

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Kim Hockema

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