You Control Your Actions: Do Good

Controlling what You Can in this Uncontrollable World Part 3 You Control Your Actions: Do Good The world around you may be out of control—more specifically, out of your control, but you can still thrive when you choose to control what you can. You, and you alone, control yourself. Only you can control: Your Foundation: […]
You Control Your Focus: Fret Not. Trust the LORD

Last Chat we laid the foundation that the LORD is ultimately in control. Though your life may not match your best laid plans and dreams, God is establishing your steps as you delight in His Way. It may be messy, but the LORD is with you in the mess and upholding you with His hand. […]
Controlling What You Can in an Uncontrollable World – the Precursor: Your Foundation

By now you’ve realized that you can’t control the weather, the government, or the person next to you. So much of life is out of your control. Yet you’re not without hope, my Friend. There are plenty of things you can control that will lift you above the nonsense and plant your feet on a […]
Let’s Talk about LOVE

“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and truth.” 1 John 3:18 Love. The word is thrown around quite carelessly. It’s definition is stretched and deformed like a piece of silly putty. So what does love truly look like? Well, my friend, God not only commands us to love, […]
New Year. Same Expectations

While it’s a new year and you’re filling in your calendar with myriads of plans and goals, I want to encourage you to take a minute to reflect on God’s daily plan for you. It’s a constant expectation that doesn’t change with the passing years. “He has told you, O man, what is good; and […]
Secret Recipe for Contentment

There’s a reason that Joseph remained so calm and unshaken by his circumstances. To be sold into slavery by your brothers would be earth shaking. Then to be falsely accused and imprisoned? Makes my worst situations sound like a picnic. I’m striving to learn his secret. I want to be content — satisfied, settled, and […]
What Do You Expect?

I expect that life will have its stormy moments. Certainly, you know this, too. Storms of life are guaranteed in a fallen world. Pre-king David, faced incredible storms that were completely out of his control. He was running for his life, hiding in caves to avoid a madman bent on his demise. Yet, David’s expectations […]