A Challenge

God desires a deep, heartfelt relationship with you. He longs to take you by the hand and lead you as you saturate your heart and mind with His Word and come boldly before His throne in prayer. Will you do more than accept a surface relationship with Him? Will you plead with God to lead […]
“You have Need of Endurance”
Hello, faithful friends! I apologize for my long delay in sending new Chats to encourage you. This has been an emotionally difficult year for me. I echo the Psalmist, who wrote, “Reproaches have broken my heart so that I am in despair” (Psalm 69:20). While God has been faithful to comfort and help me with […]
God’s Thoughts Toward Me

God, the Creator, the King of Kings, constantly thinks of us! The following are some reminders of these precious thoughts. You are valuable to God and He cares for you! When God thinks of you… He is thinking about His amazing creation – Psalm 139:14-16 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully […]
Rejoice in the Lord

We have so much to be thankful for! As we gather with family and friends to thank the Lord for His great provision for us, let’s also simply rejoice in WHO God is. In my Bible reading this week, I was struck by 2 Timothy 2:13 “If we are faithless, He remains faithful—for He cannot […]
It’s Personal

It’s Personal There is a precious reminder of how personal the Lord’s love is for us in Luke 19. Yes, Jesus died for the sins of the world, but He sees each of us as individuals—His own creation—in need. It is personal. Jesus was passing through Jericho, mobbed by a crowd. One stout little […]
You Control Your Patience: Be still…and wait for the LORD

Controlling what You Can in this Uncontrollable World Part 8 You Control Your Patience: Be Still..and Wait Patiently for the LORD The world around you may be out of your control, but you can still thrive when you choose to control what you can. You, and you alone, control yourself. As we continue to follow […]
You Control Where You Entrust Your Life: Commit Your Way to the LORD

Controlling what You Can in this Uncontrollable World Part 7 You Control Where You Entrust Your Life: Commit Your Way to the LORD The world around you may be out of your control, but you can still thrive when you choose to control what you can. You, and you alone, control yourself. As we continue […]
You Control Where You Seek Your Happiness: Delight in the LORD

Controlling what You Can in this Uncontrollable World Part 6 You Control Where You Seek Happiness: Delight in the LORD The world around you may be out of your control, but you can still thrive when you choose to control what you can. You, and you alone, control yourself. As we continue to follow David’s […]
You Control Your Thoughts: Feed on the LORD’s Faithfulness

Controlling what You Can in this Uncontrollable World Part 5 You Control Your Thoughts: Feed on the LORD’s Faithfulness The world around you may be out of your control, but you can still thrive when you choose to control what you can. You, and you alone, control yourself. As we continue to follow David’s instruction […]